Tuesday, October 23, 2007

San Diego Fire Update

Jose and I are safely at home right now. My mom is flying back to MD on a plane and should be landing any minute now. It's been a long 3 days watching TV and staying mostly inside (the air quality is pretty bad with all the smoke and ashes). We thank God for His protection of so many people and that our area was spared from the fire! We were never evacuated although we chose to leave our home yesterday afternoon and went to a friend's house near the Qualcomm stadium, where we slept over. It was pretty weird thinking that I may never return to same home. We packed up a bunch of things, which are still in the cars. Thankfully we were able to celebrate my mom's birthday yesterday evening downtown SD in Seaport Village.
We know that at least if not more than 50% of families from our church have been evacuated from their homes. As far as I know all the families are safe, although a few of their homes are in danger of being burned. The winds aren't nearly as bad as they were, so they are able to use more resources to contain the fires.
The area where our church is located, Rancho Bernardo, probably has experienced the most damage. God has definitely created an opportunity for us to reach out to this community. Pray for the hope of the gospel to go forth.
It's amazing to hear that there have been too many people wanting to volunteer their time to help. There has also been so many donations at Qualcomm stadium. It's encouraging to see God's common grace in so many people as they work together. It's obvious people have learned from the fires they had 4 years ago as well as from Katrina.
Jose was not able to help as he hoped, but has been keeping tabs on his Marines. I will be going to work in about an hour and it probably will be pretty busy there.
Please continue to pray for all of us here!!


Rachel said...

Hi Jose and Bekah!

Just wanted to know we are praying for you all and Grace Church here in Maryland! Our caregroup prayed last night and lots of other people are praying, too. :o)

Rachel (Lauterbach) Ellis

Jess said...

Glad to hear that you all are OK! It's been quite the adventure, hasn't it? God's grace has been overwhelming!

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