Monday, October 22, 2007


Hello everyone,
Please pray for us here in San Diego! There are 6-7 fires burning and spreading! The Santa Ana winds and humidity below 10% create a fire friendly environment. Jose, my mom and I are still at home watching the TV and taking it easy. We do have a bag and things ready if we need to be evacuated. Jose is keeping in contact with his Marines and waiting to find out if there's any way he can help, he had training for emergency situations such as this. Several families from our church have evacuated already. The fires aren't far from here. We are prepared to go if the fires spread this way. So, please pray for everyone here....pray that the fires would be contained, for God's protection of firefighters, for civilians to evacuate as directed safely and that the gospel would be made known throughout this time....and however God leads you.
This is my mom's birthday - at least it will be memorable. God is in control and will guide our steps. I'll try to keep you posted and let you know if we have to leave.
We are grateful for your prayers!


Caitlin Woodrow said...

I am definantly praying! Thanks for letting us know for those of us who don't watch the news or read the papers. I pray that God keeps you and your church safe and that you trust God no matter what happens!

Love of the Lasting Kind said...

I was shocked when i saw the video about the fire..My Heart was squezzed looking the fire and the homes burning..Couldnt stop my tears from falling..But am praying..that God would spare His people..cover with His wings..
He will make you safe..He will...

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