Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Life in General

Hello Family and Friends!

Jose and I wanted to start this blogger as a way to keep our friends informed about what's going on in our lives, ask for prayer, and communicate with those we can't see often. The married life is going wonderfully! It's almost been 4 months :) We've settled in our apartment here in sunny San Diego and have been keeping busy.
This Sunday we will be starting the new members class at Grace Church. We are excited as we are getting more involved by serving in the hospitality and children's ministry. Our new home group just started this past Sunday and I'm excited for what God has in store for us. It's been fun meeting lots of new people and getting plugged in.
Monday nights we are in a group called CBS (Couples Bible Study) that Jose is helping to lead. The group originally started with Christian couples whose husbands were in the Navy on the same ship. Now only two of the men are still on the ship and the group is more diverse in that way. The group had been more of a social outlet with a commonality in the military but is now changing to focus more on our commonality as Christians to encourage, fellowship, keep each other accountable, and pray for one another. We just started to go through the book "Why Small Groups?" and can see good coming from that already.
Jose and I have been trying to get in shape by running together more regularly. We live by a really cool dirt trail that actually goes to the ocean (although we haven't gone that far yet). Yesterday I was really challenged as we ran close to 8 miles on the base at Miramar. We're hoping to run some races together in the future.
As Jose mentioned earlier, I need prayer to study for the NCLEX test to become a registered nurse. I took a review course earlier this summer and took the test August 11th. I didn't have the best feeling after the test. We waited about 2 weeks for the result and found out I did not pass. God is sovereign and has a good plan for the future! I'm taking the review course a second time starting Monday, Sept. 18th. We're hoping that I can take the NCLEX again sometime in November. I had two different job offers, but obviously was not able to take them due to not passing. I'm going to apply for more jobs starting at Children's Hospital. My desire is to work in Pediatrics and maybe this is why God didn't allow me to pass the first time. I'm enjoying this time now of not working 12 hr shifts. Right now I'm working part time at Starbucks, because it was easy to transfer from MD to here. I've been working the opening shift lately, which is at 4:15 am (bright and actually it's still dark).
Jose is stationed at Miramar and works with reservists. One weekend a month he works as the reserves come in. It's not that bad because the following week he gets Thursday- Sunday off.
God has really blessed us with the job he has now. It's so much better than getting deployed to Iraq again! He's been able to come home for lunch on many afternoons, or sometimes I go there to bring him lunch. He also doesn't usually stay at work that late, so that's another bonus. Praise God!
Well, as you can see I've already written quite a bit :) We'll try to keep this as up to date as possible. Write back and let us know what's going on in your lives!


Becca said...

Yay more friends on blogs! (!!)

You guys are not kidding with the running! 8 miles is hardcore! Maybe someday we'll get there. For now it's teaching Andree soccer when he gets home after dark. I accidently kicked the ball over an embankment. Oops?

Praying for you two!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad that you have this! I think of you guys often and I'm excited that I'll get a regular (I hope!) update.

Keep 'em coming!

praying for you!!

Unknown said...

This is wonderful Beckah and Joe! Thanks so much for letting us know about it!

We especially enjoyed seeing your wedding pictures. It was a beautiful wedding! We wish we could have joined you all. We would love to meet Joe sometime.

Maybe the two of you can drop by for a visit? We would love to have you.

In the meantime, we'll stay in touch via your blog.

Claude asked me to ask if you had received the wedding gift we had sent. He's concerned because the check had not cleared the bank yet.

You know how your Uncle Claude is... a bit of a worrier... :o)

We are very happy for you both and we do pray God's richest blessings of joy, contentment, and His glorious peace that passes all understanding.

We love you precious Rebekah and welcome Joseph into our more than a little wacky family. :o)

Aunt Debbie

Shwetablog said...


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