Monday, July 09, 2007

Jose is 30

Happy Birthday to my hubby! We celebrated his birthday throughout the weekend. Friday night we enjoyed a lovely dinner at Ruth Chris Steakhouse downtown San Diego - thanks to my mom who gave us a gift card there for our anniversary. We sat outside and were able to see the sun go down over the water. Look at the yummy dessert that Jose was given. We were blessed to spend this time together! It was fun dressing up for each other and having a date night.

Saturday I attempted to surprise Jose. Surprises are hard to pull off with Jose. He knew something was going to happen so he went with the flow. He served at our new church building during the morning hours with a group of men who are learning to put up the sprinkler system. Afterwards he went out to lunch with one of the guys from our homegroup. This definitely raised his suspicions because this guy (Cody) doesn't do that sort of thing. I had asked his wife if he was going to be serving at the church that Saturday and if maybe they could go out to eat afterwards, like a last minute "hey, you want to get some lunch?" or something. Well, it so happens that Cody asked Jose almost a week before if he wanted to go out for lunch on Saturday and Cody wasn't going to be serving at the church then. So Jose mentioned how weird it was that Cody would ask him out to lunch and I couldn't really keep a serious face. Anyways, while Jose was occupied I was out with a lady, Kristen, from our homegroup getting food from Costco and running other errands. When Jose came home I could tell he was almost peering around the corner waiting for people to pop out...but the surprise was still yet to come.
I told Jose that we would be going out to eat an early dinner at a place called Jakes located right by the water in Del Mar beach. We talked a while ago how it would be nice to try out one of the places near there. The party started around 4 pm located on a nice grassy area right above the ocean. The Kitabjian family came early to save a spot and set up the pop-up tent, tables and food, as well as the Fowlers who brought some decorations over. I'm so thankful for the last minute help I got to pull this party off. Anyways, Jose and I drove to Del Mar and while parking Jose saw Cody's work truck, confirming what was going on in his mind. So, we walked together down to the area where everyone was waiting. Jose wasn't really surprised, but it was fun to attempt. It was more of how long it could go without him figuring it out. At one point Jose said, "you know something is going on when Cody asks you on a date". I was so grateful for all the people who came to bless Jose! We ate together and fellowshipped with friends. It was cloudy and cool, yet the kids still got wet and sandy. The sky had beautiful streams of light as the sun started to set. I hope this time was special for my love! I want Jose to know how much I and others love him and to celebrate the 30 years of live God's given to him.
Jose's dad and brother, Matt were able to be there too. They had just drove across the country the last few days. Now Jose and Matt are in San Francisco to see the All Star game. This is a childhood dream they both have had. Matt graciously bought them tickets to go and they've been looking forward to this time.

Yesterday, July 8th was Jose's actual birthday. He went a little early to church to serve on the hospitality team. I went and got us something from The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf for breakfast to bring back to him at church. Recently we discovered how much better tasting the ice blended coffees are than Starbucks frappuccinos, plus they have so many more tea options, but they are a little more expensive. Anyways, after church we made some yummy hamburgers at home on the grill. Matt was able to join us. Later we went over to the Fowler's home where we ate this yummy cake from Cold Stone Creamery (picture copied from website). Jose has been wanting this cake pretty much since his last birthday. So I promised I'd get it for him a while ago. Yeah, that wasn't a surprise either. I will have to sharpen my surprise skills. Hopefully I'll have many years to practice. It's been fun thinking of ways to bless Jose. We spent the rest of his birthday at homegroup. Then he came home and got ready for his trip.


Anonymous said...

Way to bless your hubby! What a wonderful wifey you are. :)

Can't wait to see you! 5 days!!! :)

Brian said...

Man Jose is OLD!!! J/K It looks like the two of you had an awesome time. Jose took me to that same restaurant many years ago. He is such a good friend. FYI, Jecholia and I now have a blog

Hope to see you all soon

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