Monday, October 23, 2006

Florida Vacation

Rebekah and I just returned from Christopher and Amy McKelvey's wedding in Orlando Florida this past weekend! It was an amazing ceremony and reception! God was so generous to us through his people in Orlando. The Lord provided Rebekah and I with lodging at the Anderson's (Jesse and Dasha, i think that is how you spell it and Jesse's parents Bob and Bonnie). Thank you so much!


I was so excited to have the opportunity to have you meet my wife Rebekah. She has been such a godly influenece in my life and I treasure her so much! It was so sweet to get to know you again. I loved speaking with each of you about how God is bringing about His plan in you. Everytime I see you I so desire to come and live among you. Your friendship has not seized the slightest regardless of the large amounts of time I am away. I love that our relationship began grounded in the Gospel and how to this day we can still encourage eachother in our walk with God. Please pray that God will speak clearly to Rebekah and I about where He would have us serve. We love you all so much and we can't wait for an opportunity to come visit.

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